
Sharing March 10, 2012

Sharing is what community is all about.

Life is a long potluck celebration. We each bring what we have to the table, and we get a taste of what everyone else brings. Some of us are gifted at making delicious and healthy food, others are more gifted at finding the right things at the store. Some bring enough food for everyone, some bring a great dessert, some bring candles and a tablecloth. Each of us has something to share.

I help people understand and appreciate their own stories. All of the insights we are able to gain, all of the lessons we are able to learn, begin with sharing. We share our stories, and we share the process of discovering our true selves. I ask questions, and the truth emerges through our sharing.

Sharing is an essential part of who we are. It helps us become open to the people around us. Many of us protect ourselves with clear boundaries and are very intentional about our sharing. We choose the people with whom we share our lives with great care, and maintain as much safe distance as we can.

We assess community by what it offers to us, not by what it gives us the opportunity to share. One of the greatest gifts community can give is to teach us how to share well.

Sharing is not about impressing people with our abilities and talents. Sharing is not about cleaning out the things we no longer want. Sharing grows out of our true selves. Sharing deepens our joy by allowing other people to see who we truly are.

What do you have to share today?

What will you bring to the table?

[Image by Ed Yourdon]

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