Leadership is Settling a Good Example

Leadership is Settling a Good Example April 3, 2012

Leadership is setting a good example.

Leadership is more than thinking, talking, and writing. Leadership combines contemplation and action. Leadership is telling the next part of the story well. Leadership is getting out of your own way.

The leaders who influence me the most deeply, who give me examples to follow, are people who demonstrate their ability to be true to themselves. They spend the time and effort it takes to recognize who they really are, deep within, and to share themselves with the rest of us.

The leaders whose examples I follow teach me to listen, to be open, to spend time in reflection and contemplation.  They teach me that I need to appreciate who I am so I can appreciate the people with who I am working. They not only tell me the truth, they show me how to live and lead honestly by recognizing and appreciating me. They help me know myself more deeply that I do without their leadership.

I am surrounded by a vast, intricate network of these leaders. Some of them I read about in books and articles, or see portrayed in films. Some of them I get to talk to online. Some of them I actually get to meet face to face in real life. They are sparks of insight in the world, and together they bring light to the darkness.

Each of the leaders who influence me give me strength and courage to share my own true self with the people around me. Their examples create ever-widening ripples of leadership and honesty in the world, as do ours. Their influence continues to grow, as does ours.

What examples are you setting today?

Who is your true self?

Who are the leaders who set examples for you to follow?

[Image by mikebaird]

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