Balance Encompasses the Full Spectrum

Balance Encompasses the Full Spectrum April 19, 2012

I write and talk a lot about core values. Core values are the ground in which my truest, deepest self grows. They are what I have always valued. They were shaping me even before I recognized what they were. They define who I am becoming. My vision for myself and personal goals are based in my core values. Finding my true self often begins in finding my core values.

One of my core values is being balanced. Balance does not mean being all things to all people. Balance is not being neutral or avoiding knowing what I think. Balance is encompassing the full spectrum.

Life is rich with complexity and variety. Balance is being open to the richness of life.

I came to appreciate how I value balance by struggling with the expectation that I would find the right answers. I was expected to find and share the right answers at school, at home, at church. From a very early age, I sensed that the right answers were very important and committed myself to finding them for myself and for other people.

I became concentrated on finding the right answers.

As I searched for the answers, I saw the fullness and complexity of life. I realized that when I found an answer that I believed was right, it was not fulfilling. The world was filled with variety and difference, and knowing the right answers was not making me happy. Slowly, I came to understand balance.

Over time, I grew to treasure how deeply I value being balanced. Encompassing the full spectrum resonates with my soul and draws me forward each day. For me, life is not about choosing sides; I come alive by listening and being open to the full range of possibilities.

I have moved from finding and giving the right answers to asking the right questions.

How are you balanced by encompassing the full spectrum of life?

Where do you find balance in your life?

[Image by  p!o]

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