Hidden Depths

Hidden Depths August 11, 2012

I am coming to value the power of hidden depths.

I am learning that the people and places which do not promote themselves, which are more hidden, are often worth the time and patience it takes to explore them. Listening, waiting, and being open can be more helpful that I ever imagined.

It is important for us to remember to take time, to remember that it is not always best for life to be immediate.

As we learn to let go of feelings about the past and anxiety about the future, more of life can be spent in the present. I appreciate the irony that living in the present moment is one of the results of relaxing the need for immediacy.

I am also coming to recognize that the places and people that do promote themselves often act to keep their true depths hidden. Each of us is a complex pattern of what we show others and what we protect deep inside ourselves. Some people who appear to be more outgoing are just as challenging to discover as those who keep more things hidden.

I have spent more time and energy exploring my own depths than anyone else’s. The lessons I have learned from discovering myself help me recognize and appreciate other people every day; the lessons I learn from others help me discern and understand my own hidden depths.

I do not always enjoy what I discover in my depths; some of my hidden truths are challenging. Each part of the pattern, though, gives me insight into the truth of who I am.

Some parts of the pattern are dark, and some parts blaze with light.

The pattern of my hidden depths shows me who I truly can become.

What are your hidden depths?

Whose hidden depths will you discover today?

[Image by Hamed Saber]

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