Leadership is About Balance

Leadership is About Balance October 9, 2012

Leadership is about finding your balance.

It is more than sorting through all the things that demand your attention. It is more than addressing conflicts and working out reasonable compromises. It is more than finding an efficient path through competing options and desires.

Leadership is about balance that encompasses the full spectrum of different perspectives.

Leadership is finding your own path which grows out of your core values and principles, is shaped by your vision, and helps you move toward your goals.

Leadership is recognizing your true self, and sharing yourself with the true selves around you.

It is not balancing the interests and demands that swirl around you. Leadership is finding the balance within you.

Leadership rests in the balance in which you are authentic. Leadership depends on the balance that gives you the steady hand and the center you need to trust yourself and the people around you.

Leadership is finding the balance you need to recognize and appreciate the true selves in the leaders around you.

Leadership is bringing out the leadership and value in the people with whom you work.

People prepare to become leaders by studying and reading, sitting at the feet of generations that have gone before them. Leaders prepare to lead by listening and watching, by learning to work with people, plan, manage resources, and meet the right goals well. Leaders prepare by gaining understanding of who they really are and the kind of leaders they want to become.

There comes a time when each leader begins to lead. The key to beginning well is finding your balance.

The key to continuing well is recognizing that, no matter how much experience you gain, you will always be a beginner.

How will you find your leadership balance today?

Will you begin well this week?

[Image by fsse8info]

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