Leadership is Seeing in New Ways

Leadership is Seeing in New Ways November 27, 2012

Leadership is seeing in new ways, taking new approaches, doing things differently.

There are things I have done many times. I have plenty of experience doing them, and do them well. I am comfortable and confident doing things my way, because that is the way I have always done them. I find ways that work for me. My ways of doing things become part of the way I see myself.

When I cook, for example, I tend to cook my way. I am clear and organized. My chili is a treat you do not want to miss. The ways I do things, though, affect the quality of my results. It is important to me that things are done in certain ways. It can be a challenge for me to cook with someone who does things differently.

As a leader and a coach, people trust me to help them learn how to do things well.

It is easy for me to assume that actions which are comfortable for me are the best ways to do things. Doing things my way is more efficient and effective, especially for me.

It is easy for me to focus on doing things my own way, as though my way were the only way or the best way.

The most important discoveries of my life have taken place because I was able to see things, and people, in new ways.

Leadership is about helping people do things well. One of the keys to effective leadership is recognizing that different people have different ways of getting things done, that my way is not the only way.

Leadership is about finding ways we can work together toward a common vision as we gain deeper insight into our own core values.

How will you see yourself in new ways today?

How will you recognize the opportunities around you?

[Image by Håkan Dahlström]

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