Leadership is About Doing the Impossible

Leadership is About Doing the Impossible February 19, 2013


The leaders who inspire me are people who accomplish the impossible.

Deep leaders explore their own core values and find a vision that causes other people to say, “That would be great, but it will never happen in our lifetime,” or “Are you joking?” or “There is no way.” Their values and vision shape them, and they set out to turn the impossible into reality.

Their lives and leadership are not easy. They face challenges and sacrifices. They can become frustrated and discouraged, they can begin to feel overwhelmed. It can be much easier to recognize the distractions and false leads than to see the way forward.

No matter what particular goal they have found, there are a couple of qualities that help leaders do the impossible.

Leaders find people who help them do the impossible.

Leaders rarely accomplish the impossible by themselves. They inspire the people around them to do what they thought was impossible. What may seem impossible for me is much less impossible when we work together.

People complement each other. Strong leaders seek out opportunities to work with people who help them become stronger, and learn from those opportunities.

Leaders refuse to see that what they are doing is impossible.

Many of the leaders I know who do the impossible take one step at a time.

They meet one person who raises a question for them, and they set out to find an answer. Something happens to a member of their family, and they start trying to help them. They read an article or a book, and they start thinking about something in a new way.

They take one step to make a difference, and they are on the road to doing the impossible.

How are you doing the impossible?

Who could help you accomplish the impossible?

[Image by Perrimoon]

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