Leadership Transforms

Leadership Transforms April 16, 2013


Leadership is transformational.

Leadership transforms leaders.

The core essence of leadership is recognizing and growing into your true self.  People who are asleep to themselves may plan and set goals, develop strategies, and manage well. Becoming a leader is impossible without knowing who you are and leading yourself first.

Leadership grows from your core values, what you have believed and valued for as long as you can remember. Deepening your appreciation for who you are and what you value, leading yourself, transforms you.

Leaders bring depth into focus and put values into practice.

Your leadership transforms the people around you.

As you are transformed into the leader you have the potential to be, you share your true self with the people around you. People begin to see you in a new light.

As you lead yourself first and practice your values, you become an example to other people. You recognize that leadership is not a matter of techniques, or tips and tricks.

The leaders who inspire me often do not realize that they are doing anything special or different. They share themselves with me and welcome my sharing with them.

Our work together grows from the connection of our core values and our true selves.

Your leadership transforms your organizations.

No matter where you work or how you participate in any organizations, your leadership transforms them.

Organizations exist and work together around their core values. Like some individual people, many organizations are easily distracted and become focused on daily tasks and responsibilities.

You, and the people around you who are inspired by your leadership, restore the connection between your values and what you practice.

In the same way that you are transformed by growing into your true self, an organization is transformed by remembering why it really exists.

How has your leadership been transformed?

Who is your leadership transforming today?

[Image by www.frontendeveloper.com]

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