Listening to the Deep Truths

Listening to the Deep Truths June 1, 2013

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We live our lives surrounded by an ocean of deep truths.

There are times when the Depth and the truths intimidate us, and we hide from them. We distract ourselves by trying to show how important we are and what we have achieved on our own. We distract ourselves with things, toys, exotic experiences and complicated relationships. We distract ourselves, but the deep truths remain. The truth is there in the Depth, in the silence, even when we do not listen.

There are times when we pause and breathe the truth in, listening to hear what it has to tell us. We are drawn to the Depth and the silence, and the truths wash over us. Some truths lift us up  and help us appreciate who we are meant to become. Some truths are bitter, reminding us of all that we are capable of doing.

I do not want to hear all of the deep truths around me. There are hard truths for which I do not want to listen; I fear what they have to tell me, or am anxious about what I hear them saying about me. I am overwhelmed by the vast, deep ocean of truth and believe I will be swept away on the next tide. It feels like I am trying to push the ocean back with a broken spoon.

The ocean may not feel safe to me, but the deep truths it has to share are still true. I will not hear the truths unless I am willing to listen.

I listen because the hard truths remain true even after the distractions are faded.

We live our lives surrounded by an ocean of deep truths.

How do you listen to the truths that the Depth has for you?

What are the deep truths you are listening to about yourself today?

[Image by AlicePopkorn]

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