The Power of Tomorrow

The Power of Tomorrow April 12, 2014


We trust the power of tomorrow.

We believe that tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow holds the promise to get us out of bed, even after a day that was one struggle after another. We are willing to work hard and sacrifice today for tomorrow.

We live in a world that puts us in direct contact with combat, poverty and homelessness, natural disasters, terrorist acts. We know we are not immune. Our lives can be overturned in a moment. Yet we continue to believe in the power of tomorrow.

Even when we are surrounded by evidence to the contrary, we remain assured that things will be better tomorrow.

The promise of tomorrow feeds our hope.

Tomorrow promises the possibility of change. We may regret what we have done, or have not done, yesterday. Tomorrow is our opportunity to show what we have learned from our past actions. We may struggle to survive difficult challenges today. Tomorrow is when we can put the wisdom we have gained into practice.

We may have already travelled a long, frustrating path only to arrive at the end of the road with no options. We still believe that things will be better tomorrow.

We can never really know who we might meet, what we might finally understand, where we might go, who we might become, tomorrow.

Tomorrow could be the day the flower finally blooms.

We believe in the promise of tomorrow because we believe in our own potential. No matter what yesterday, or even today, have been like, we have the power to change tomorrow.

After we have had a chance to rest, and dream, tomorrow will be better.

How does tomorrow draw you forward each day?

Why are you looking forward to tomorrow?

[Image by jenny downing]

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