Leadership Never Dies

Leadership Never Dies May 20, 2014


It is easy to see leadership as something urgent and immediate.

Decisions needs to be made. Performance needs to be evaluated. Goals needs to be set. Action needs to be taken. Something must be done right away; it takes a leader to get it done.

We forget that leadership is not completed when we take action. Leadership is not only immediate.

I have read, heard, and watched stories of leadership for longer than I can remember. The examples of leaders who died thousands of years before I was born spark the fire of leadership in me. Their words and actions set my heart on fire and shape the way I lead today.

Faced with difficult challenges, they made decisions that reflect the best of themselves and the people around them. Their leadership continues to bring out the best in me. They continue to show me what true leadership can be.

I read and saw things as a child that convinced me I had what it takes to become a leader. I heard the stories of leaders who chose to act in ways that were true to themselves. Their stories inspire me to make my own choices. Their stories inspire me to overcome obstacles. Their stories inspire me to lead in ways that could inspire others.

We are accountable for how we lead ourselves. Our decisions and actions will be assessed by others now, and in the future.

Years from now our leadership may be the spark that lights the fire of leadership in hearts of others. People may share our stories to tell their children what leadership can be.

Our leadership will live on after us. Our light will remain.

Whose examples help spark the fire of leadership in you?

How will your example shape how people lead in the future?

[Image by Olli]

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