Leadership is Like Ice Cream

Leadership is Like Ice Cream July 29, 2014


I have had a passion for ice cream my entire life. As a proud son of America’s Dairyland, I have eaten ice cream longer than I can remember. I went to school at the home of the best ice cream in the world, in Babcock Hall, at the University of Wisconsin.

Ice cream is very personal. People have their preferred flavors and textures. They may be willing to try something new, but they go back to what makes them feel good.

Some people are purists. They love the ice cream itself. They want nothing to interfere with the flavor of their pistachio or cappuccino, even a cone. Some people even like blue moon.

Some people view the ice cream as a delivery system. They add cookie dough, chocolate sprinkles, or caramel syrup. The ice cream is secondary, almost incidental. They may prefer vanilla as a canvas on which to create.

Everyone has their preferred ice cream style.

People love ice cream because it is refreshing. They choose the flavor that most appeals to them.

Ice cream is like leadership. There are many different flavors and textures. Some taste like cinnamon, some taste like fruit. Some include chocolate, some are enhanced by adding things. There is joy in trying new options, finding new favorites.

People respond differently to different flavors. Even people whose leadership has always been vanilla enjoy trying something new once in a while.

Some people commit themselves to a particular kind of leadership and are unwilling to try anything else. They lose track of the fact that it is by trying new things that we remember what draws us to our favorites. We may taste something that gives us a new favorite.

I help people find the flavor that most satisfies them.

How did you find your favorite ice cream?

What is your favorite leadership flavor?

[Image by stu_spivack]

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