Leadership Sparks an Explosion of Color

Leadership Sparks an Explosion of Color September 23, 2014


Some leadership is like winter; everything is under the surface, hidden by cold layers of ice and snow. Some leadership is like spring; plowing new ground and planting seeds. Some leadership is like summer; tending, watering, helping people grow and produce.

Some leadership is like autumn; sparking explosions of color and harvesting rich crops.

Autumn is the time of reaping what we have sown and nurtured. It is the most exciting season, as trees burst into flaming color. As the days get colder and daylight grows shorter, the leaves celebrate by setting off their own fireworks.

The leaders who inspire me reflect the seasons of leadership. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, raining down encouragement or chilling to the bone, they adjust to the seasons. Winter, spring, and summer leaders each contribute in their own ways.

Autumn leaders communicate a sense of urgency as time grows shorter. There is less daylight each day. Each day takes us closer to the end of the year. All our work of preparing and plowing, planting and tending depends on what we do now in harvesting.

These leaders who urge us on spark explosions of color in our lives. They see potential in us that we may not see in ourselves. With their leadership, our potential bursts into accomplishment.

Autumnal leaders draw us into being our best. We learn that we can make a difference. We can turn the potential of preparation and planting into fresh food. Our harvest will sustain us in any dark, cold days ahead.

As these leaders help us see what we can become, oranges and reds emerge to show us who we are.

The sights and smells of autumn will continue to inspire us in the darker, less flamboyant days ahead.

Which season do people experience in your leadership?

Where does your leadership spark an explosion of color?

[Image by joiseyshowaa]

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