Plan the Work, Then Work the Plan

Plan the Work, Then Work the Plan October 9, 2014


I believe in the power of a strong plan.

Plans are not formed in a vacuum. Plans are not based on what we think we can afford, or what we already have, or how much time is left. Plans are more than dreams, or hopes, or guesses.

Our strongest plans grow out of our shared values and vision. Our plans are founded on who we are, why we are working together, and where we are going. We need to know ourselves well and share our true selves with each other to plan together effectively.

We need to be honest with each other and trust ourselves to make strong plans.

When we have begun to explore our values and vision, to discover who and why and where, we can begin to make plans. Building on this foundation, planning our work focuses on how and what and when. Goals, objectives, and timelines reflect the values and vision that draw us together.

We understand who we are, what motivates us, and where we want to go. We can begin anticipating the specific steps we will take to get from where we are to where we are committed to go. Proposed actions, measurable steps, and completion dates are not set arbitrarily.

We want to create a plan that will guide us as we put our values into practice. Our plan will allow us to turn our potential into reality.

No plan is perfect. It may not be color-coded or reflect the latest trend in planning. We are not designing the perfect plan, but the plan that will help us get where we want to go.

We are designing the plan that will get us, and help us continue, working together.

What are your plans for next week, next month, next year?

Which do you enjoy more, planning your work or working your plan?

[Image by CEThompson]

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