Spiritual Life Runs Deep

Spiritual Life Runs Deep November 22, 2014


Spiritual life makes eye contact. Spiritual life does not look away, and we see ourselves reflected in its gaze.

We feel ourselves caught up in the embrace of spiritual life. Spiritual life can feel warm and protective, like a great hug. There are times when spiritual life can feel constraining, like we are being held whether we want to be or not.

Spiritual life is an intimate relationship.

Spiritual life sees us as we are, beyond the identities we construct to defend our true selves. Spiritual looks us in the eyes, the windows to our souls, and sees who we are. Though we may try to distract or obscure, spiritual life is focused on truth and love.

We may feel intimidated or afraid of spiritual life. We may bristle at being known so well, or struggle against such uncompromising passion. We may not enjoy what we see reflected back to us. Spiritual life floods us, overwhelming us with a tide of insightful caring.

We tend to see the disparate pieces of our lives, the projects left undone and the potential left unmet. Spiritual life fills us with a different perspective. Spiritual life brings together our jagged edges, showing us that the whole is more than the sum of our parts.

Spiritual life shows us a depth we cannot reach by our own efforts.

Spiritual life reveals a way through our insecurities and compensations. We are introduced to the deep truths that make us who we are, at our core. We are reminded of the love that sparks us and sets our hearts on fire.

Spiritual life is more than meets the eye.

How deep will spiritual life take you today?

Where are the depths you have chosen not to explore?

[Image by Axel Naud]

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