Advent is About Preparation

Advent is About Preparation December 13, 2014


Spiritual life often catches us by surprise.

We are following our routine, minding our own business, when something captures our attention. It may be a particular person, a work of art, or a striking sunset. It may be scenery, an enticing aroma, music that stirs our heart, or something truly delicious.

We realize there is more to life than we had experienced the moment before.

The more we prepare ourselves for these experiences of depth, the more open we are to receive them.

Advent is the first season on the liturgical calendar. Advent is about making a fresh start. Advent is about anticipation. Advent is about getting ready to perceive the spiritual life all around us.

We say that seeing is believing, but we are not paying attention. We are not prepared. Our lives are filled with sights, sounds, flavors, and aromas of spiritual depth, but we are focused elsewhere.

We are wrapped up in our own fears and insecurities. We are occupied with memories or regrets of the past and anxiety or fantasies about the future. We not open to the present.

Advent is taking time to prepare, time to pay attention. Advent is letting go of disturbance and distractions to be prepared.

We prepare by being aware. We pause, remembering who we are. We take a deep breath, let it out, and take another. It may help us to sit and rock in a chair, or to spend time looking into a flame. We open ourselves to what is right in front of us, discovering the deep truth hidden in plain sight.

Advent is about finding the exquisite depth in each moment, listening to the truth of our own stories.

What are you preparing to receive?

How do you experience the sacred depth of everyday life?

[Image by Photo Monkey]

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