Practicing Leadership

Practicing Leadership February 10, 2015



We think of leadership as a subject we study. We learn about leadership; choosing examples, dissecting them to understand. We want to see who did what when, drawing conclusions from the results of their actions. We would like to analyze our way into leadership.

We can know a great deal about leadership without becoming leaders. We become the leaders we can be by practicing.

Our own unique way of practicing leadership determines the leaders we each become. Leadership is not simply a matter of drawing lessons from the past to apply in the present. It is not as if suddenly remembering something we have learned will transform us into leaders.

We practice leadership every day. Our leadership grows out of what we value and who we are, not merely what we know. Leadership is the process of turning our values and character into action.

We never spend a day not practicing.

We may be practicing to become more self-centered, or more self-aware. We may be becoming more focused on the bottom line, or on processes, or on people. Our leadership may be developing into something more insightful, more caring, or deeper. Each day we take steps on the path toward our own way of leadership.

Our practice shapes us. As we practice leading in certain ways, we become more attuned to those leadership qualities. We develop habits and preferences, expectations and presumptions. We find ourselves becoming the leaders we are practicing to be.

The leaders who inspire me find the leadership they want to practice. They recognize the kind of leaders they hope to become and appreciate the power of practice.

What kind of leadership are you practicing today?

Where is your practice leading you?

What exercises would help you practice your own personal leadership?

[Image by woodleywonderworks]

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