Our Work Shows Who We Are

Our Work Shows Who We Are March 5, 2015


When we love what we do, and do what we love, we can see it in our work.

I grew up surrounded by people who were proud of their humility.

They knew they were good at what they did. They did not need to market themselves. They put their work into what they did, not talking about it. If you wanted the product of work done well, they knew you would come to them. They raised cows that gave the best milk, chickens that produced the best eggs, corn that tasted best. Their work showed who they were.

There have been times when my primary motivation for doing something was to be finished. The people who saw my work, and saw the results I produced, could probably tell. I know I could.

There have also been times when I did not discover that I loved doing something right away. It may have taken me several attempts to get started. There may have been factors that pushed me into doing something. It was only when I could let go of my resistance and expectations that I could find the joy.

There have also been times when something I loved to do has lost its attraction. The work that has fueled my joy and passion turns to ashes in my mouth. Work that had engaged me and grabbed my attention becomes a struggle. It was time for me to try something new.

Each time we work on a task we show people, including ourselves, who we are. We may be distracted or focused, attentive or bored, motivated or lazy. Each time we work, we leave our mark on what we do.

Who do people meet when they see your work?

What inspires the way you work?

[Image by thskyt]

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