What Exactly Does a Strategic Monk Do?

What Exactly Does a Strategic Monk Do? May 28, 2015


Nice to meet you, Greg. Did I hear you say you are a strategic monk?

Yes, I am the strategic monk. I do not think there are many others.

How long have you been a strategic monk?

My strategic senses developed pretty early, while the monastic in me has been getting stronger lately.

Well, what does a strategic monk do, exactly?

I work with people as they explore the deeper truths of their lives. For some, I am a spiritual life mentor. For others I am a leadership coach. For others, I work with an organization in which they participate.

So, what does that look like every day?

We live in a place where most people do not spend time or energy discovering much besides what is right in front of them. Some people are intimidated, some have not seen what the possibilities are. We work together to find their paths.

What kinds of things do you do to help these people?

Well, it is not that I am smarter or more spiritual or stronger than anyone else. I do a lot of listening, and help people listen to themselves in deeper ways. I ask questions based in what I hear. Those questions are often insightful. I help people laugh when they might feel intimidated, which encourages them and helps them remember.

There is a lot of power in listening to someone, asking them good questions, and learning to laugh.

What makes you good at being a strategic monk?

It helps that I know I do not have all the answers. I am not an expert with a checklist for people to follow. It is more that I have already gone a little further along the trail and can accompany people as they explore.

[Image by Jonathan P]

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