Leading From Anger

Leading From Anger August 25, 2015


We are passionate about what we do, people around us, making a difference in the world. We care about being treated with justice and respect, getting what we deserve, finding satisfaction.

We look for leaders who connect with us around our deeper passions. We want leaders to move and inspire us in ways we care about. We are not looking for someone to merely tell us what to do.

There are times when our passions can start to carry us away. We desperately want to make a serious difference, but it seems like nothing is changing. Our concern and passion begin to fuel our frustration, making us angry.

There is something compelling about a leader who reflects and represents our passions. We trust a leader who seems to appreciate and share our passions, our anger. Leaders motivate us when they show us we share a common sense of justice.

Some leaders connect with our anger and feed its flames. They lead in ways that add fuel to the fire and build its heat. Their leadership relies on our anger for energy. Our frustrations, resentments, and anger spark the continuing expansion of their power.

Other leaders connect with our passions and show us how to translate our deep truths into growth.

The leaders who inspire me show us how to transform the power of our anger into healthy change. When we become frustrated with unfairness, they help us convert our energy into positive action. When we are passionate about justice, they help us share more justice with each other.

They lead us from a place of anger toward a place of taking action to make a difference.

Whose leadership resonates with your passion?

How do leaders help you find healthy ways to focus your passion?

[Image by Newtown grafitti]

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