Spiritual Life Feeds Our Sense of Wonder

Spiritual Life Feeds Our Sense of Wonder August 29, 2015

http://logiclounge.com http://craighton.me http://twitter.com/craighton

We believe in being objective, rational, analytical. We believe in being effective, efficient, practical, professional. We believe in making sense, understanding, explaining. We believe in planning, making progress, moving forward.

It is easy for us to get caught up in doing whatever next thing needs to be done.

While these can each be important, they are not what we need from spiritual life.

We do not need more rules to follow. We do not need more thinking, more theories. We do not need to be told the ways we have not earned joy. We do not need to know which side of which issues we must support.

Spiritual life appeals to our sense of wonder. Spiritual life is more about wonder than about what we know, how we feel, or what we do.

Spiritual life lifts our eyes, our minds, our hearts, from the mundane to the wonderful. We do not close our eyes to pain and challenges, but we see the wonder of everyday life.

It takes work. We work to experience life in a different way, and a different way each day. We work to open ourselves to the possibilities around us and within us. We work to become aware of the power of spiritual life.

We may be discouraged. We may forget. We may be afraid. Spiritual life draws us into relationship with the deepest sacred truths that exist. Spiritual life may be overwhelming, but it is not boring.

As we begin to see, to breathe in spiritual life, we sense the deep wonder. We wonder how we could have missed it.

We realize the wonder is what we needed all along.

When has the wonder of spiritual life taken your breath away lately?

How do you feel the wonder of spiritual life?

[Image by Craighton Miller]

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