Leadership Opens Windows

Leadership Opens Windows September 1, 2015


There are people who prefer to hold meetings or give presentations in rooms with no windows.

They think the absence of windows reduces distractions and helps people concentrate. They want people to look at images on a screen, or words on a board, not out a window. These people want to help people decide where to focus their attention. Working in a box with a door is one approach they use.

The leaders who inspire me appreciate the value of windows. They recognize windows let in new light and offer new perspectives. The best windows open to allow fresh air to flow, filling our work with attractive aromas.

Some windows allow us to see people outside them. They give us opportunities to remember life exists beyond ourselves. We may see or hear people next door, driving past, or flying through the sky in a plane. Windows help us keep other people in mind as we make decisions and plans.

The leaders who inspire us to do our best work open windows for us. They help us see buildings or trees stretching to the horizon. They help us smell the ocean, even when we are far from the shore. The leaders who inspire us open windows from our own world into worlds far away. They help us imagine what life could become, and how we will get there.

The leaders who shape our own leadership show us windows we might not find on our own. They help us open even windows that are stuck from years of being closed or painted over.

The leaders who show us our own leadership are a breath of fresh air.

What windows will your leadership open today?

Who inspires you to open new windows for yourself, and for other people?

[Image by storebukkebruse]

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