What is the Key to Your Leadership?

What is the Key to Your Leadership? September 8, 2015


Some people believe leadership is something intangible. They think some people have leadership while others do not. They perceive leadership as challenging to understand, a delicate balance of qualities and skills. They may not be able to measure leadership, but they think they know it when they see it. Some people are leaders while others are not.

For them, leadership is something locked away from most of us. We do not have the key.

For me, leadership works differently. Each of us has the potential to become a uniquely strong leader. While we may need help unlocking the door, each of us carries the seeds of leadership within us.

Each of us has the ability to become an effective leader within us. Our leadership will look and work differently than other people’s will. Our leadership is produced by who we are, our own personal blend of qualities and skills.

Some of us can become dynamic, charismatic communicators. Some of us have the potential to be excellent listeners and organizers. Some of us have the ability to lead through technical expertise or innovation. Some of us will lead by making creative leaps, while others by leading steady steps forward.

The key to unlocking and tapping into our leadership potential is getting to know our true selves. We do not become leaders by forcing ourselves to meet other people’s expectations. Our true leadership grows out of our true selves.

The leaders who inspire me know themselves well enough to help bring out the best in me. The times my leadership has been strongest are when I have listened to myself well.

Who is your truest, deepest self who unlocks your unique leadership?

How will you become better acquainted with your self and your leadership this week?

[Image by ~Brenda-Starr~]

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