Holding Things Loosely

Holding Things Loosely May 7, 2016


We believe in the power of holding on tight. We surround ourselves with things we have accumulated, grasping them poignantly. We hold onto artifacts of our lives, treating them like memories.

We believe life is the sum total of what we have acquired. We measure ourselves by the friends, lovers, information, experiences, property we have amassed. We think the more we hold, the richer, fuller, better our lives become. We treat life like a bank account, and spend our time buying things.

Physical life shows us more and bigger is not always better. Like a balanced diet or healthy exercise, we need to learn the benefits of losing weight. Like tree branches at the end of winter, we need to allow the ice to melt and drip away from us.

Some people take an organized, intentional, systematic approach each year or each month. They assess what they have compared to what they need and set out to purge themselves. For some it is a matter of physical possessions, clearing away clutter and opening space. For some it is more about habits or attitudes that need to be recycled or updated.

It can be helpful to begin with a single step. What we decide to change, how we decide to loosen our grip is not the most essential aspect. Our action is a physical reflection of the spiritual life within us.

It may be best for us to decide that at a certain time each we will take a breath and relax our grip. We are not trying to earn points for holding things more loosely than anyone else. We are learning how to let things melt away.

What do you hold onto the tightest?

How will you loosen your grip on the things around you this week?

[Image by cyanocorax]

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