Monastic Life in the World

Monastic Life in the World July 5, 2016


There are people who believe monks are running away, trying to escape from the real world. Some people see monks as trying to protect themselves with rules and vows, hiding from real life. Some people think monks are people who cannot handle the challenges of life as we know it. They think monks live a truncated, limited version of life.

My experience with monks and monastic life has taught me to see things differently.

Monastic life has introduced me to deeper, more complete living. The monks I know live and grapple with life in ways few of the rest of us can imagine. They have been drawn to focus their energy and attention on the most sacred aspects of life. They struggle to know themselves intimately well, to share themselves honestly, and to be deeply aware.

The questions for many of us are whether, and how, we can live monastic life in the world. Can we let go of what distracts us and open ourselves to what matters most? How can we become aware in each present moment? Can we learn, and apply, the lessons monastic life has for us in our everyday lives?

The path is unique for each of us. Each of us faces our own challenges and obstacles, our own inner struggles. Monks have shown me we find our path by trying new things, practicing and exploring.

When we most want to exert ourselves, the path often consists of slowing down or pausing. When we would most like to push our way through, we often need to let go.

Monastic life is strenuous and has lessons to teach us. It strengthens our everyday lives whether we live it in a city, on a farm, or at a monastery.

What lessons does monastic life have for us today?

How will we live monastic life in the world this week?

[Image by alaskapine]

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