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Reading and Reflecting Together

Have you ever wondered about what your spiritual tradition means in your everyday life? What do you really believe and how does it shape how you live and interact with people?

Many of us wish we could do more to help other people. We appreciate the ways serving other people feeds our souls, but it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the choices.

What can we really do to respond to these significant questions as we choose to spend more time at home?

We work out what we believe and how it shapes us by both working on our own and in community. Each of us needs to find our own balance between reading and reflecting within ourselves and reflecting in conversations with other people. 

Some of us believe only certain people are qualified to be ministers. It can be a challenge for us to see ourselves as ministers.

EfM(Education for Ministry) is a conversation group organization which has been online since 2001. EfM can be practically helpful in sorting out our own core beliefs and how they fit into the world around us.

You do not need to be part of a church to benefit from this opportunity to take time for reading and reflection each week. Its is part of the Beecken Center at the University of the South’s School of Theology.

I have facilitated groups in person with a co-mentor for six years and began a new online group last fall. I look forward to beginning another online EfM group on Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:45 PM Pacific time in September.

Each group includes 6 — 12 people. There is a registration fee and process. We will meet from September through June.

Please contact me if you would like to talk more so we can explore together.

2 thoughts on “Reading and Reflecting Together”

  1. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of reading and reflection as a community. Your insights inspire meaningful dialogue and personal growth. Keep fostering connection and enlightenment through your thoughtful posts

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