Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex

Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex March 6, 2012

I have been making some new friends.

I first met Matt Barber and Brittany Machado at the Eagle Rock Brewery, where I began my 2011 Craft Brewery Pilgrimage. They, along with Chris Pack, are bringing to life a way for people to tell the truth about how church has shaped their understanding of sex.

Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I ‘ve Had Sex is a documentary film project that gives people a voice to tell their stories. There is tremendous power in telling my story, and in listening to someone else’s story. There is honesty and trust, there is reflection and deeper understanding, there is weaving the larger fabric of our story together.

Each of us deserves to tell our own story, and each of us needs a voice to tell it.

People are desperate for places to find and tell the truth of their lives. We long for places to sort out our lives, to discover ourselves, and to find people who will listen. We find community in the people who will listen to us, and to whom we will listen. We seek to know that we belong.

It takes courage to tell the truth, and courage to listen to someone tell the truth.

Brittany, Matt, and Chris are demonstrating their courage. They are listening to people tell the truth about things that affect all of us, about which we all care deeply. They believe in the power of telling our stories, and that we are all in this together.

How can we help?

We can tell our true stories.

We can listen to someone who might not share our opinions.

We can read Matt’s interview on ThePublicQueue, and we can go to Kickstarter and pledge your support.

What will you do to help?

[Image by Wootang01]

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