Working to Celebrate Obstacles

Working to Celebrate Obstacles June 4, 2015


Nothing slows us down like an obstacle.

We seem to assume our path will be smooth and unrestricted when we are doing a good job. We get into a zone, build momentum, and believe we can settle into cruise control. When things are working for us, everything fits together. There are no bumps in the road.

We tend to see obstacles as things that get in our way unnecessarily.

We are working along, doing a great job, when something begins to bother us. Obstacles may emerge gradually, over time, or just be there, fully formed, to block us.

We may decide to go over or through this new obstacle. We are so determined to succeed it cannot distract us. Except, of course, we are already distracted when we see it as an obstacle.

Our work is not supposed to be effortless. Work helps bring out our best. Challenges and obstacles have lessons to teach us. They add drama and excitement to our work. They may allow us to demonstrate how resourceful or persistent we can be. They show us new ways to work even better.

The situations we see as obstacles give us opportunities to ask for help. They help us find new strength in ourselves and work with other people more effectively.

When we look back, reflecting on work we have done, it will be the obstacles we remember.

Developing a more friendly approach to our obstacles benefits us. How we relate to them determines how they affect us and our work. Do obstacles hinder our progress, or are they opportunities for growth?

How we understand obstacles will determine how much we can gain from them.

When has an obstacle helped you see your own deeper inner strength?

How will you celebrate an obstacle today?

[Image by unicoletti]

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